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Results: 8


CRIF solution to explore your Customer Portfolio Data. CATCH APIs complete the batch functionalities suite, to enrich the bank customer base with categorized transactions data, KPIs, and scores to monitor customer creditworthiness and analyze behaviors and preferences to run appropriate commercial strategies.

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IDea API provides access to check the data on over 40 databases and performs a KYC automatic report, comprehensive of all detailed information on checks carried out to prevent identity fraud and to support the anti-money laundering analysis.


Margo API provides access to data on over 6M companies. The API features a flexible set of data packet to unlock information on company registries, financials, open data, marketing and finance analytics


Crif PSD2 compliant service performing Access to Current Account data, data aggregation, data categorization and calculation of KPIs and Scores for augmented and faster business development.

PET Check

Pet insurers can confidently verify pet and policyholder details in real-time to gain an accurate understanding of risk. Pet Check helps improve the loss ratio, optimize the policy underwriting process, and effectively address potential application fraud and misrepresentation.


PRISMA APIs provide access to Property Valuation services, allowing CRIF clients to request, monitor and retrieve property valuations for different types of properties.

Results: 7

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CATCH is a solution targeted at financial institutions willing to exploit the value of transactional data on their customer base.

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Hello CRIF is a live working service created to facilitate the explanation of Crif services integration.

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The service for a fully compliant and automated KYC and AML process.

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Enrich your CRM database with completed and updated company data.

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Crif PSD2 compliant service performing Access to Current Account data, data aggregation, data categorization, and calculation of KPIs and Scores for augmented and faster business development.

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PET Check

Advanced pet verification, from age to pre-existing conditions.

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Property Valuation

Integrated solutions for the management of reliable and impartial valuations of every type of property.
